Haverford College

Haverford College is home to one of the most outstanding science centers in the world. Located in Haverford, Pennsylvania, this liberal arts college features one of the largest observatories in America and is the school with the most amount of laboratories than any other college in the world. Along with Swarthmore and Bryn Mawr (two other liberal arts colleges close by), Haverford is one of the top schools in the field of biology. It was at Haverford that Mendel genetics was thoroughly studied. In addition, it was at Haverford that the first artificial heart and lungs were produced. In terms of animal science, Haverford has it's own farm where researchers from around the world visit and study the animals.
At the Haverford observatory, documentation of over 20 different stars has been made. NASA and other space companies around the world use this documentation as a credible and cohesive source to understanding more about space.
Haverford has shown me how much students have helped the scientific world. I would love to go to this school and study under their great facilities and even help professional companies like NASA. Haverford has also shown me that college is not all fun and games-there is a lot of work, too, that goes into all the scientific developments. However, at the reunion, I saw that it is at colleges like Haverford that friendships are made that last forever.