Spirit Week Pep Rally 2009

On October 23rd, 2009, I got to go to the Spirit Week 2009 pep rally. Because Derek is in the marching band, I got to sit with the band in the bleachers. Throughout the pep rally, I got to listen to the music and each of the grades cherring. From sitting with the band, I learned about the sound produced by each of the instruments. The low brass instruments, such as the tubas and baritones, produce long sound waves (lower sounds). The upper woodwind instruments, such as the flutes and piccolos, produce short sound waves (higher sounds). The longer sound waves are typically louder and can be heard from farther away since longer sound waves tracel farther than shorter sound waves. For this reason, the freshmen and juniors on the other side of the stadium could only hear the low brass instruments with long sound waves and not the flutes and piccolos with short sound waves.
In addition to learning about music science, I got to watch the cheer competitions between the grades. I noticed that the junior and freshman cheers were softer and lower in pitch than the senior and sophomore cheers (which were next to me and not across the stadium). I realized that the farther away a sound was, the softer and lower in pitch it was.
In conclusion, I had a great time at the Spirit Week pep rally 2009 and cannot believe that the sophomores (not the juniors!) got second place. I cannot wait for Spirit Week next year!
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