Amazon Rain Forest 2009
All that happened to Johanna is she had a not poisonous frog jump on her hat, though she did hold some of the poisonous ones. they only kill if you get the poison in your mouth or eye. She let me touch a frog too!

There were animals everywhere, here I am in a tree next to a Tarantula and a squirrel monkey. It was so cute (the monkey)!
My favorite monkey there though was the pygmy marmoset. They are the smallest primates in the world. Johanna tells me that the locals call them "leoncitos"because they have a little mane around their faces. A few days into the trip, the Santos family traveled about an hour upriver to the primate research station where biologists often come to do research. Unfortunately there were no biologists there at the time. The scientists set up a grid system that maps out the section of the rain forest. The owners of the lodge and the research center pay natives in the area to travel around the territory every so often and record what they find in each coordinate (bottom right).

The guide who was staying at the center said that the only animal he hadn't seen yet was a jaguar. That would be really cool to see. As Johanna put me in one last picture of the river, i thought about what a great, biology filled trip this was, even just in virtual form, and Johanna said she enjoyed this so much that she might even send me to the Galapagos islands where she went in 2007. I can't wait!

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