My second visit to the eye doctor

Coincidentally,on October 24,2009 i found myself at another eye doctor. This time it was a Retina Specialist. I was able to look at all the machines that the doctor used while Ollie was getting his eyes checked.
In the first photo, there i am with the digital fundus retinal imaging system. This machine is used to take pictures of the retina with fluorescence dye. Special filters in the camera allow the dye to be visua

This is an Argon Laser for Ret

While i was at the retinal imaging system i saw a picture of the most common occular protozoan infection in the eye which is called toxoplasmosis gondii or more commonly called occular toxoplasmosis. The natural host of toxoplasmosis is the common household cat.

At the end of my visit to the retina specialist i felt like i learned so much about the retina. Maybe Ollie will take me back again one day...but in the meantime i will continue to travel the world and learn new things!

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